Essay On Acid Throwing

Essay On Acid Throwing acid on the body of a person is rampant in our country. It is a terrorist activity, a heinous act of humanity. It has now becom

Essay On Acid Throwing

Essay On Acid Throwing
Introduction: Throwing acid on the body of a person is rampant in our country. It is a terrorist activity, a heinous act of humanity. It has now become a major concern of our nation. Every day we read the news of acid throwing in the national dailies of our country. Most women especially teenage girls fall victim to it. The victim suffers physical pain for a short time but she has to suffer mentally and psychologically for his whole life. It brings suffering and anxiety not only to the individual life but also to the concerned family.

Causes of acid throwing: Acid throwing results for various reasons. Generally, and mainly the cause is emotional or failure of a love or marriage proposal. The man or lover being rejected of his love or marriage proposal throws acid on the face of the woman, throws whom he desired much. By doing this the culprit takes revenge and satisfies his personal grievance or enmity on the girl or woman. It may be committed by a dowry-hunting husband. Sometimes the greedy husbands ask a great amount of dowry from their wives and if their fathers fail to fulfill their demand the unfortunate poor girl fall victim to acid throwing. Besides, personal enmity and jealousy, family feud, social hostility, the quarrel for money or land dispute, etc. are some other causes for acid throwing.

Effects or consequences: An acid victim may die or drag a miserable existence if she survives. It shatters her future dream and destroys all of her hopes and aspirations Acid damages the part of the body where it falls and causes the indescribable feeling of pain and anguish for the victims. If the case is a serious one, it burns the victim’s body and face and distorts his or her appearance. The beautiful face turns into an ugly one at the moment. It takes a long time to get recovery. In some cases the recovery becomes impossible. The victim dies fighting for some days with death. The survivor has to undergo long medical treatment. Even if she survives, her suffering continues for the rest of her life. She has to lead a life depending on others.

An inhuman act: Acid throwing is the most heinous and barbarous act of humanity. It is a crime not only against the individual but also against the whole of humanity and civilization. The sociologists consider it more ruthless and barbarous than killing in the sense that a person killed once is out of all worldly pangs and sufferings while an acid survivor has to survive constantly undergoing tremendous physical, psychological, and social torments. She becomes a symbol of modern barbarian and brutality.

Remedies: Our derailed young generation and some greedy husbands are the main culprits of acid throwing. So psychological motivation and moral teaching are necessary to reduce acid crime. The acid thrower should be made to realize that he himself /  or his near ones may be the victim of acid violence and in that case, his own life would be unbearable. He should be made to think that her revenge or personal anger for a trifling matter may destroy life and bring suffering and woes to the whole family. The availability of acid and supply of it must be restricted to avoid acid violence. The policy regarding its import and sale must be introduced and implemented. Law ensuring Severe severe punishment of acid thrower must have been introduced. The development of family ties and good parenting is essential to bring back the young generation from going astray. The acid criminals should be boycotted socially and brought to exemplary punishment. Mass media should play a more active role in raising awareness among the people about the horror and consequence of acid crime.

Rehabilitation: Acid violence occurs mostly in poor or middle-class families. So the victims do not get enough financial support for their treatment and rehabilitation from their families.  The government, N.G.O, and the people who are rich should come forward and extend their co-operation for treating and rehabilitating the victims. In an effort to provide medical care for the victims, the government has established a burn unit at Dhaka Medical College Hospital. It is hopeful that different private organizations, women’s organizations, and NGOs have already started programming offering counseling, skills training, and other rehabilitation programmers to help survivors reintegrate into society.

Conclusion: Reports of acid throwing are there in other countries too. But the number of incidents is probably the highest in Bangladesh. It is of course of great shame that lowers down our heads as a nation. The matter has not been dealt with seriously for too long. It is high time we rose ourselves and protested against the crimes. We must not let the world think that we are a barbaric nation. However, acid throwing is a social crime and some socially coordinated efforts can curb the crimes as well as rehabilitate the victims.

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