Paragraph On Town Life And Village Life

Paragraph On Town Life And Village Life Man made the town and God made the country’ is an old saying. Village life is really different from town life.

Paragraph On Town Life And Village Life 

Paragraph On Town Life And Village Life

 ‘Man made the town and God made the country’ is an old saying. Village life is really different from town life. Firstly, town life is a life of luxury and plenty whereas village life is simple. Secondly, town life is a busy, competitive, and noisy life. Buses, trucks, cars, and other vehicles always ply and the industries make a sound. On the other hand, village life is quiet and peaceful. There is no rush and hurry in the villages. Nobody cares about the calendar and time. Thirdly, there are air pollution and sound pollution in the town. But village life is free from all these kinds of pollution. The air is fresh and clean. Fourthly, town life offers greater modern facilities for life. In a town, a student can get the best education as the best schools or madrasahs are found only in towns. In the town, schools, madrasahs, and colleges offer a better standard of education. They maintain better staff and better equipment. There are universities, engineering, and medical colleges in towns. There are scopes for trade, commerce, and business. The people of town get more facilities for proper medical treatment. So the standard of living is higher in a town. On the other hand, village life is deprived of all these facilities. Fifthly, town life offers scope for employment to all sorts of people. On the contrary, there are no scope of employment facilities in the village. So the standard of living is very lower in a village. These are only a few differences between town life and village life.

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