Paragraph On The Social Classes Of People in Bangladesh

Paragraph On The Social Classes Of People in Bangladesh may be classified into four groups. The first category of people is called higher-class people

Paragraph On The Social Classes Of People in Bangladesh

Paragraph On The Social Classes Of People in Bangladesh

The social classes of people in Bangladesh may be classified into four groups. The first category of people is called higher-class people. This class of people is rich. They lead a luxurious life. They all live in urban areas. The high officials, the big businessmen, and the industrialists belong to this group. This group of people has high social, political, and economic power. They control and influence the politics and economy of the country. Then there is the middle-class family. They live both in rural and urban areas. They are solvent people. In rural areas, they have many lands. They are held in high esteem in the villages. They are also known as jotdars (owners of lands). The third group of people is known as lower-middle-class people. They have only a few lands. They are poor farmers. Poverty is their continual companion. They work hard to maintain themselves. And finally, it is the poor working-class people. They are very poor. They have no land of their own. They work on the land of others. They earn their livelihood by working in the streets of the town also. Actually. All classes of people live in Bangladesh in great harmony.

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