Paragraph On Unfair Means in Examination

Paragraph On Unfair Means in Examination indicate a means or method which is very indecent. Nowadays most of the students adopt unfair means in order

Paragraph On Unfair Means in Examination

Paragraph On Unfair Means in Examination

Unfair means in examination indicate a means or method which is very indecent. Nowadays most of the students adopt unfair means in order to pass an examination. It means that they secretly commit an act of copying answers into the answer scripts from materials in their possession. The purpose of an examination is two-fold. Through an examination, the student's acquisition of knowledge during a certain period of study is tested. Besides, it enables a student to give an account of how much knowledge he has gathered from his prescribed course. But by adopting unfair means a student frustrates the very purpose of the examination. He commits an act of crime by having recourse to a dishonest method. Besides, he cheats himself by seeking to prove that he knows things that he does not know and has copied from incriminating material. One who passes the examination by adopting unfair means remains ignorant and fails to come out successful in practical life. Resorting to dishonest means in examination has now created such a gigantic problem in our country that all conscious people are greatly alarmed by it. This criminal and self-deceiving practice of copying should be stopped immediately at any cost; otherwise, the nation as a whole will miserably fail to get through its struggle for existence is not too distant the future.

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