Paragraph On Water Pollution

Paragraph On Water Pollution Contamination of water by various waste and filth is known as water pollution. It is a menace to our environment. Water i
Paragraph On Water Pollution

Paragraph On Water Pollution

Water is an important element of our environment. It is essential for human, animal, and plant life. No animal or plant can live without it. Pure water saves our lives while polluted water is very harmful. We pollute water in many ways. We frequently throw garbage into the water. Toxic chemicals from factories are drained off into rivers and canals. Fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides used in cultivation mix with water, and thus water gets seriously polluted. Again unsanitary latrines and unsafe drains cause serious water pollution. Watercraft like launches, steamers, and engine boats contaminate water by dumping oil, food waste, and human waste. Water pollution causes a variety of damage. First of all, it causes the death of various aquatic animals. Moreover, human health is also severely affected by contaminated water. Cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis result from polluted water. Besides, we may have to face a horrible situation due to a lack of drinkable water. Even the total food chain can be disrupted by this. So, we need to think about it seriously. If water pollution continues, no living animal will survive. We cannot see the condition prevalent any longer. Therefore, we should take effective measures to prevent water pollution. The government should take the necessary steps. Above all, we need to make people more aware of it.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Element (noun) - উপাদান,
  • Environment (noun) – পরিবেশ বা পরিমন্ডল,
  • Essential (adjective) – অপরিহার্য বা অত্যাবশ্যক,
  • Save (verb) – রক্ষা করা,
  • Polluted (adjective) - দূষিত,
  • Harmful (adjective) - ক্ষতিকর,
  • Pollute (verb) – দূষিত করা,
  • Frequently (adverb) – ঘন ঘন বা বারংবার বা প্রায়ই,
  • Throw (verb) – নিক্ষেপ করা,
  • Garbage (noun) - আবর্জনা,
  • Fertilizer (noun) – সার,
  • Pesticide (noun) – কীটনাশক,
  • Insecticide (noun) – কীটনাশক,
  • Cultivation (noun) – চাষ,
  • Seriously (adverb) – সাংঘাতিকভাবে বা ভয়ানকভাবে বা গুরুতরভাবে,
  • Unsanitary (adjective) - অস্বাস্থ্যকর,
  • Unsafe (adjective) - অনিরাপদ,
  • Watercraft (noun) – জলযান,
  • Contaminate (verb) – দূষিত করা,
  • Dump (verb) – নামানো,
  • Waste (noun) – বর্জ্য,
  • Variety (noun) - বৈচিত্র বা বিচিত্রিতা,
  • Damage (noun) – ক্ষতি,
  • Various (adjective) - বিভিন্ন বা রকমারি বা নানাবিধ,
  • Aquatic (adjective) – জলজ,
  • Severely (adverb) – গুরুতরভাবে বা কঠোরভাবে,
  • Affect (verb) – ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করা,
  • Horrible (adjective) – ভয়ঙ্কর বা ভয়ানক,
  • Disrupt (verb) – ব্যাহত করা বা বিপর্যস্ত করা,
  • Continue (verb) - চলতে থাকা বা বহাল থাকা বা অবিরাম অনুবৃত্তি করা বা স্থায়ী থাকা,
  • Survive (verb) - বেঁচে থাকা বা টিকে থাকা,
  • Prevalent (adjective) - প্রচলিত,
  • Effective (adjective) – কার্যকর বা ফলপ্রসূ,
  • Measure (noun) – পদক্ষেপ বা ব্যবস্থা,
  • Prevent (verb) - প্রতিরোধ করা বা ব্যাহত করা বা বিরত করা,
  • Aware (adjective) – সচেতন বা অবগত বা সতর্ক।

Another One

Contamination of water by various waste and filth is known as water pollution. It is a menace to our environment. Water is getting polluted day by day for many reasons. The main reason for water pollution is the irresponsibility of human beings. People throw waste into the water and pollute it. Engine boats throw oil, human waste, and other waste into the river and sea water which causes water pollution. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. When rain and floods wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water in rivers, canals, and ponds. Besides, some people use unsanitary latrines, standing on the river and canal banks which greatly pollute water. Mills and factories throw their poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals and thus pollute water. Many people suffer from various diseases from water pollution. The ultimate result sometimes comes very destructively such as dead people. Fishes die in polluted water, and even farming becomes impossible in severely polluted water. It is a threat to our natural environment. To save our lives, we should be careful about it. Alternative sources have to be found. In fact, the feelings of consciousness among all people can save water from pollution.

Source: Collected From an English Book (Paragraph Writing)

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