Write a Letter About Preparation For The Final Examination

Letter About Preparation For The Final Examination I feel your anxiety about my preparation for the ensuing final examination. But I assure you that

Write a letter to your father informing him of the preparation for the final examination.

Write a Letter About Preparation For The Final Examination

09 November
My dear Father,
Your kind letter is just to hand. I feel your anxiety about my preparation for the ensuing final examination. But I assure you that I shall do well in the final examination. I have completed my syllabus thoroughly and now I am trying to revise them. You know our English book is a new one. It has introduced a new method. But I think it is easy. There is no need to memorize narrative question answers. You know that I am good at Mathematics. Physics and Chemistry also seem to be very interesting to me. I hope that I shall do well in the examination by the grace of Allah. Do not be anxious for me. I am all right.

My best regards to you and your mother and love to the younger.

Your loving son

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