Paragraph On Travelling

Paragraph On Travelling signifies moving from one place to another to see and learn more and more. Different people with different reasons for travel

Paragraph On Travelling

Paragraph On Travelling

Travelling signifies moving from one place to another to see and learn more and more. Different people with different reasons for travelling. Someone travels for education, someone travels for business and someone travels only for pleasure. But it is true that inquisitiveness leads everyone to travel from one place to another. However, travelling has great educative value. It is a part and parcel of education. Since bookish knowledge is not sufficient for achieving knowledge, travelling completes it. It teaches a man better than books. Travelling qualifies human beings to see things with their own eyes. It turns knowledge into personal experience. A traveller can observe for himself the manners and customs, socio-economic and religious systems, trade and commerce of the different nations of the world. Hazrat Muhammad (sm) told his followers to go even to distant China to acquire knowledge and experience. Travelling helps us to learn the language of other countries. It relieves us from the boredom of life and fills the mind with joy. It gives us the opportunity to make the best use of our eyes to see, ears to hear and mind to cherish learning. It teaches us to bear adversity. In fact, travelling is good preparation for prosperity in the struggle of life.

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