Paragraph On Bad Effects of Dish Antenna Or Satellite Channel

Paragraph On Bad Effects of Dish Antenna Or Satellite Channel dish-shaped electronic device for receiving special television signals so that we can

Paragraph On Bad Effects of Dish Antenna Or Satellite Channel

Paragraph On Bad Effects of Dish Antenna Or Satellite Channel

A satellite is a dish-shaped electronic device for receiving special television signals so that we can watch satellite television. Through satellite dishes, people can watch different satellite channels. People can behave fun and enjoyment sitting in the drawing rooms which are telecast from different channels. We can easily have Western TV channels, which are giving us a world-class taste. This is not bad for those people who can check them. But these programmes are very bad for youngsters. They watch these channels which attract them the most. They are captured by this type of Western culture and are now forgetting our own traditions and culture. Terrorism, killings, and fighting have got a new dimension in our country. They are not only moved by Western culture but also by Western terrorism. They are killing people in the same style they watch on television. So bad movies and fashion shows are making them worse. This sort of bad proggramme must do harm to the people who cannot control themselves. Teen-aged boys and girls should not watch bad programmaes. This will lead them to adopt bad ways, which will destroy them before they could understand. So, parents should be very careful about this. People who forget their own culture cannot be considered as good people.

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