Paragraph On The Importance of Education

Paragraph On The Importance of Education The benefits of education are immense. For this reason, the light of education is a must for the individual

Paragraph On The Importance of Education

Paragraph On The Importance of Education

The benefits of education are immense.  For this reason, the light of education is a must for the individual as well as for society. Education is one sort of mental and intellectual training that provides opportunities for growth and helps to meet challenges and overcome obstacles to progress. It develops one’s body, mind, and soul by awakening and developing one’s latent faculties. An educated man knows how to abide by the rules of hygiene and sanitation. It enables one to acquire knowledge and skill. It also helps a person to understand the problems of life and earn a living. Besides, education can bring spiritual enlightenment and ennoble the soul. Educated people can enormously contribute to raising the standard of living and elevating the value system of a nation. Thus an educated person is an asset to his family, to the nation, and to the world at large. An uneducated man is but a liability to all concerned. In fact, education brings about the all-round development of all human beings. Education is, therefore, essential for every man and woman. in fact, education promotes humanity and universal brotherhood.

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