Essay On Illiteracy

Illiteracy is similar to ignorance. So it is termed as a cause for human beings. A man without learning is akin to a beast. Education helps a man turn

 Essay On Illiteracy

Essay On Illiteracy

Introduction: Illiteracy is similar to ignorance. So it is termed as a cause for human beings. A man without learning is akin to a beast. Education helps a man turn into a complete man. The first message, from the Almighty to the Prophet (sm) is ‘Ikra’, meaning – ‘read’. The Prophet says, “If needed pursue knowledge to the remotest land of China” So, the importance of learning is inevitable.

Its causes: There are many causes behind illiteracy. Poverty and superstition are the prime causes of it. Most of the people of the villages are superstitious and they think that female education is anti-religious. Besides, poverty-stricken people engage their children for earning. They do not allow their children to go to school. As a result, we have got innumerable illiterate people.

Its impression on our society: Since most of the farmers of our country are illiterate, they are quite ignorant of the latest technical knowledge of production and that is why agricultural output is very small. In mills or factories, illiterate and non-skilled workers cannot ensure full-capacity production. The illiterate people are to work and live under the cover of darkness known as illiteracy. They have eyes but cannot read the black-inked letters like the bogus boo – an imaginary creature. For this, basic human rights like housing, food, clothing, education, health, and medicine are Greek of them. Our family planning programme cannot be mobilized in degrees because of the illiteracy and ignorance of the couples.

Bad effect on national economy: Illiteracy always, plays a negative role in our whole economy. No nation can shine economically without eradicating illiteracy. So long as illiteracy is not driven out of society, chaos and confusion, increasing population, barbarism, breakdown of the existing law and order, polluting the environment and leading life in an orthodox manner will continue.

Essentially of literacy movement in Bangladesh: The census of 2011 shows that a great number of our people are illiterate. These illiterate people live in towns and villages. They do not know how to cultivate their land through scientific methods. This country of 1, 47,570 square kilometers is burdened with about 160 million people. It is impossible to feed these people with old methods of cultivation. It is essential to make more agricultural production and keep the population growth under control. The necessity of the literacy movement in our country is essential for her progress.

Ways to eradicate illiteracy: As illiteracy is a great barrier to our economic development and overall progress we should take some necessary steps to eradicate it. Removal of illiteracy of course should get topmost priority and be our immediate task. We must be pragmatic in our approach and an elaborate programme should be chalked out in this regard. The illiterate people should be made conscious and given a concrete idea of the importance and necessity of education in individual and national life. Education up to class then should be made free and compulsory. More and more schools should be setup up to the war level of the village. The system of mass and adult education should be introduced all over the country. Free distribution of books to the students up to secondary level should be made. Primary and secondary education should be made free and compulsory for all children. More and more teachers from among the unemployed literate people should be appointed to teach them. A penalty system like fine, tax, or punishment under any section should be imposed upon those people who drop out or leave schools before completing the scheduled course of studies. Students, teachers, young men and women, imams of mosques, and other responsible persons can offer their voluntary services to teach illiterate people.

Conclusion: By making the root of education strong we can shrink the extension of illiteracy and taking effective measures must ensure its eradication. For this very reason, posters and pamphlets should be posted on walls. Meetings, seminars, and workshops can be held to popularize the programme of illiteracy eradication. Steps to hold classes should be taken to educate illiterate adults in the evening. The educated society should come forward and help the government. Then we will be able to eradicate illiteracy step by step.

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