Paragraph On Socialism

Paragraph On Socialism means that kind of state policy that observes that land, transport, natural resources, and chief industries should be owned and

Paragraph On Socialism

Paragraph On Socialism

Socialism means that kind of state policy that observes that land, transport, natural resources, and chief industries should be owned and controlled by the state or public bodies and that wealth should be equally distributed. It is one kind of political and economic theory. Karl Marx is said to be the originator and propagator of socialism. It is the opposite theory of capitalism. Privatization never exists in a socialistic society. The fundamental principle of socialism is to provide opportunities to all for their living according to their merit, ability, and qualification. The main slogan of socialism is, “Some will eat and some will starve, this shall not be allowed to be”. In fact, all are equal in a socialistic society. In this society, one will not starve while the other will take a heavy lunch. It aims to make a bridge between the rich and the poor. But the main defect of socialism is that it turns a man to be a machine. Personal opinion or personality carried no value. In socialism, nobody can think freely and manage something according to her own. Everyone must obey the dictation of the state and not of the conscience. Thus socialism seizes the rights that democracy provides. But it is true that the unemployment problem can be solved by the fulfillment of socialism.

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