Paragraph On Sound Pollution

Paragraph On Sound Pollution is endangering our lives and our environment. Sound is a kind of energy that man has applied to various fields of everyda

Paragraph On Sound Pollution

Paragraph On Sound Pollution

Sound pollution is disturbing or excessive noise. According to the UN, the normal tolerance limit of sound is 45 decibels. When the vibration of sound is at a tolerable, pleasant level, it is simply called sound. But when it is sharp and harsh to the ears, it becomes noise. It may harm the activity of human life. The source of most outdoor noise is mainly caused by machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles, aircraft, and trains. Poor urban planning may give rise to sound pollution. Side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential areas. The Indoor noise is caused by machines, building activities, music performances, and especially in some workplaces. Noise pollution affects both health and behavior. Unwanted sound can damage psychological health. High noise levels can contribute to hearing loss, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular effects in humans, a rise in blood pressure coronary artery disease, etc. Many developed countries are trying to control sound pollution by careful town planning and developing public awareness. In Holland, schools are not allowed near airports, and houses that are situated near airports are provided with special types of insulation to limit the sound heard inside the building.

Another One

Sound pollution is endangering our lives and our environment. Sound is a kind of energy that man has applied to various fields of everyday life with success. But in the process, the chances of sound pollution have also taken a great leap. Quietness is natural and highly necessary for peaceful living. At present, the quietness of life has been supplanted by loud sounds. There are many sources of sound pollution. Horn and whistles of different vehicles playing on the roads are polluting the environment a lot. Moreover, the drivers often press the horns unnecessarily even near schools and hospitals, which causes a serious problem for students and patients. Besides, our young generation has a peculiar fascination with listening to music at high volumes. Various shops and hotels at the roadside also tune their audio system loudly to attract customers. Mikes and loudspeakers are also used on many occasions without considering any block. Shouting slogans on the roads as well as on the campus tells upon the peaceful surroundings. The sounds of mills, factories, and power looms also contribute to sound pollution. So, the government should take proper steps to control sound pollution and develop awareness among the people about sound pollution.

Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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