Paragraph On Tree Plantation

Paragraph On Tree Plantation is necessary for maintaining ecological balance. Thoughtless destruction of our trees, woods, and forests has put the

Paragraph On Tree Plantation

Paragraph On Tree Plantation

Tree plantation is necessary for maintaining ecological balance. Thoughtless destruction of our trees, woods, and forests has put the country at a great disadvantage. They are destroyed mostly for being used as firewood. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. It leads to river erosion. It deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. We are aware of how woods and forests bring rain, help our agriculture, and prevent floods. Thus the havoc created by the unscrupulous destruction of trees and plants must be made good by way of tree plantation. The program of tree plantation is launched not only in the towns but also in the countryside. Every house, school, college, hospital, bank, and other institution is asked to plant trees seeding’s and saplings are often supplied by the Forest Department of the Government. We should give emphasis on tree plantation for our own interest.

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