Paragraph On Patriotism

Paragraph On Patriotism refers to one’s love or feelings for one’s own country. It is a great force by which one can do a lot of good to the nation a

 Paragraph On Patriotism

Paragraph On Patriotism

Patriotism is the feeling of love for one's country. It is a noble virtue. It is beyond the bars of caste, region, or religion. It inspires a man to do everything for the well-being of the country. It is a quality that impels a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort, pleasure, and even his life for the sake of his country. It helps people to think for their country first and then for themselves. It also maintains the peace and harmony of a nation. It also leads to the elimination of corruption from the country and hence leads to the country's development. On the other hand, a man without this quality is an ignoble person. He is self-centered. He causes harm to the country by his unyielding or reckless activities. He is an enemy of the liberty and sovereignty of the country. But a man having patriotism loves his country sincerely. When a country faces any odd situation, they come front to protect the country. Bangladesh needs their services. But a mere utterance of patriotism is not enough. Beside patriotism. We should serve our country to the best of our ability. If we do our level best appropriately, certainly our country will see the bright face of progress.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Patriotism (noun) – স্বদেশ প্রেম;
  • Inspire (verb) – অনুপ্রাণিত করা;
  • Impels (verb) – বাধ্য করা, প্ররোচিত করা;
  • Harmony (noun) – মিল, সমন্বয়;
  • Elimination (noun) – বর্জন, বাদ;
  • Ignoble (adjective) – নিচ, অসম্মানজনক;
  • Unyielding (adjective) – অনমনীয়;
  • Sovereignty (noun) – সার্বভৌমত্ব;
  • Sincerely (adverb) – আন্তরিকভাবে;
  • Utterance (noun) – ভাষণ, কথা;

Another One

Patriotism refers to one’s love or feelings for one’s own country. It is a great force by which one can do a lot of good to the nation and the country. One who loves his own country is called a patriot. He does not live for his own interest. To him, the motherland is everything and is better than his own life. He never hesitates to dedicate his own life for the sake of his motherland. His heart is filled with great joy and pride when he thinks of his country. He is honoured and respected by everybody. On the other hand, an unpatriotic man is self-centered and values his own interest more than his national interest. In fact, he is an object of hatred. He dies unwept, unhonoured, and unsung. His name is forgotten from the minds of his countrymen. The great men of the world possessed this great virtue. It is an intrinsic quality. None can succeed in life without having patriotism. So, we must have true patriotism for our country but should not be satisfied with narrow patriotism. Mere love for the country does not make a man a patriot. He should do something for the country. In short, patriotism is very important for the progress and independent existence of every country.

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