Paragraph On Rumour

Paragraph On Rumour is a piece of information that is spread by being talked about but may or may not be true. In spite of that, it draws the attentio

 Paragraph On Rumour

Paragraph On Rumour

Rumour is a piece of information that is spread by being talked about but may or may not be true. In spite of that, it draws the attention of people and people talk about it for the time being. Most of the rumours are false and they don’t have any real basis. A rumour is most often misleading and harmful. But it is true that rumour is a very strong force to mould public opinion. Sometimes it plays a very important role in shaping public opinion, even in a very important matter. A rumour can bring victory or defeat. It has become a common phenomenon in our society. It destroys the faith of a man. Generally, common people are victimized by it seriously. There are lots of differences between rumours and reality. So whenever we get any news we should judge the ins and outs of it. Even the news bearer should be scrutinized. The more a rumour spreads, the more it is distorted. Whenever a man hears real news, he blends his own fancy and imagination with it. Most often no truth is found in rumour. Shakespeare in his play “Henry the Fourth, Part Two” characterized rumour as one of the worst mischief-makers. And all of us know from our own experience what rumour can do or undo.

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