Our National Tree Paragraph

Our National Tree The mango tree has recently been declared to be the national tree of Bangladesh. Mango, known as Mangiferaindices in science, is a

Paragraph On Our National Tree

Paragraph On Our National Tree

The mango tree has recently been declared to be the national tree of Bangladesh. Mango, known as Mangiferaindices in science, is a fruit cultivated in the tropical and subtropical countries of the world. Mango trees are widely cultivated throughout Bangladesh and are raised mostly as homestead plantations. The tree is evergreen and has a large, thick, and rough trunk; somewhat black bark, spreading branches; and a dense crown of foliage. When planted with wide spacing, the plant takes an umbrella-shaped top and may become more than 20 meters tall and 30 meters wide. The wood is grey, coarse-grained, rather light and soft in young trees, but hard in the old. The fruit, Mango is smooth, a little compressed, fleshy, one-seeded drupe. The form may be oval, round, heart-shaped, kidney-shaped, or long and slender. Young fruits are usually green, and when ripe may turn greenish-yellow, orange, red, often with various shades, or may even remain green. A mature Mango varies greatly in size and character. The smallest mangoes are no longer than plums, while others may weigh 750g to 1 kg. Bangladesh, where it is known by its ancient name ‘Am’ meaning stored food or provisions, produces a large number of superior varieties of mangoes, mostly grown in Rajshahi, Nawabganj, and Dinajpur. These have wide demand in the market and are commercially important. Prominent among the elite varieties are Fazlee, Langda, Gopalbhogh, Himsagar, Mohonbhog, Khirsapat, Ashwina, Khisanbhog, etc.

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