Paragraph On Procession

Paragraph On Procession When a group of people walking together raises the slogan to express their demand is called a procession. It is brought out to

 Paragraph On Procession

Paragraph On Procession

When a group of people walking together raises the slogan to express their demand is called a procession. It is brought out to voice the demands and viewpoints of the processionists. Different political parties bring out processions to give expression to their grievances mostly by chanting slogans. The social organization sometimes brings out a procession to protest against social evils and different problems. There are processions on religious occasions like the procession on Muharram. On the other hand, different colourful processions are also brought out on different special days sponsored by UNESCO like International Mother Language Day. These processions are mostly silent. The torch-light processions are brought out at night. A funeral procession is somber and offers a solemn sight as it carries a dead body to the graveyard. A procession is a democratic right of the people but the processionists must maintain discipline in expressing their opinion. Very often it is seen that the unruly processions are being resisted, set fire to vehicles, or damage public property. The procession is brought out to make people aware of any illegal activity, so they should not be involved in any illegal activity.

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