Paragraph On Nursing

Paragraph On Nursing is a noble and dignified profession as a nurse serves the sick and the wounded. A nurse works to mitigate the suffering of sick p

Paragraph On Nursing
Paragraph On Nursing as a Job

Paragraph On Nursing

Nursing is an important and fast-growing profession within the health care system. Florence Nightingale is the forerunner of modern nursing services. The person involved in the profession of nursing is called a nurse. Nurses are traditionally women because of their capacity for compassion and caring. But at present there is no gender predisposition to the profession. Both males and females have equal ability to excel in nursing. Nursing includes health promotion, illness prevention, and the care of ill, disabled, and dying people. Nursing is a very noble profession. It enables a person to serve the suffering humanity. To be a nurse the minimum academic qualification is S.S.C in our country. Moreover, one has to study for three years in the nurses' Training Centre and this is followed by one year's practical training in any Medical College Hospital. This will lead one to have a B. Sc. Degree in nursing. After completing the course successfully nurses are employed in hospitals and clinics. The job of a nurse is very tiring. The doctor only prescribes medicines but it is a nurse who helps the patients in taking medicines. A nurse is very vigilant. She renders her heartfelt service to mitigate the agonies and sufferings of the patients admitted to hospitals and clinics. She shares the sorrows and sufferings of the patients. The importance of a nurse beggars description. Hospitals and clinics cannot go even a single day without a nurse. So, every reasonable facility should be given to a nurse.


শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Fast-growing (adj.) – দ্রুত বর্ধনশীল;
  • Profession (n) – পেশা;
  • Fore-runner (n) – অগ্রদুত;
  • Involved (adj.) - জড়িত, সংশ্লিষ্ট;
  • Traditionally (adv.) – ঐতিহ্যগতভাবে;
  • Capacity (n) – ক্ষমতা, সামর্থ্য;
  • Compassion (n) – সহানুভূতি, সমবেদনা, দয়া;
  • Gender (n) – লিঙ্গ;
  • Predisposition (n) - প্রবনতা, উন্মুখতা;
  • Ability (n) – সামর্থ্য;
  • Excel (v) - শ্রেষ্ঠতর হওয়া;
  • Include (v) – অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা;
  • Promotion (n) – উন্নয়ন, অগ্রগতি;
  • Prevention (n) - প্রতিরোধ, নিবারণ;
  • Disabled (adj.) – অক্ষম, বিকলাঙ্গ;
  • Dying (adj.) – মূমূর্ষ;
  • Enable (v) – সক্ষম করা, সামর্থ্য করা;
  • Server (V) – সেবা করা;
  • Suffering (adj.) – ক্লিষ্ট, যন্ত্রণা, ভোগ;
  • Humanity (n) – মানবতা;
  • Minimum (adj.) – নুন্যতম, সর্বনিম্ন;
  • Academic (adj.) – কেতাবী, বিদ্যালয় সংক্রান্ত;
  • Qualification (n) – যোগ্যতা;
  • Practical (adj.) – ব্যবহারিক;
  • Training (n) – প্রশিক্ষণ;
  • Successfully (adv.) – সফলভাবে, সাফল্যের সাথে;
  • Employ (v) - কাজে নিযুক্ত করা, নিয়োগ করা;
  • Tiring (adj.) – ক্লান্তিকর, শ্রমসাধ্য;
  • Prescribe (v) – বিধান দেয়া, ব্যবস্থা দেয়া, ব্যবহার করতে উপদেশ দেয়া;
  • Vigilant (adj.) – সতর্ক, সজাগ, অতদ্র;
  • Render (v) - সম্পাদন করা;
  • Heartfelt (adj.) – আন্তরিক;
  • Service (n) – সেবা;
  • Mitigate (v) - প্রশমিত করা, উপশম করা;
  • Agony (n) – যন্ত্রণা;
  • Facility (n) – সুবিধা;

Another One

Nursing is a noble and dignified profession as a nurse serves the sick and the wounded. A nurse works to mitigate the suffering of sick people. When sick people go to the hospital for treatment, the nursing of a nurse is essential. Nurses are needed either in wartime or in peacetime. Every hospital either in the village or in the town must have a good number of nurses to attend to the sick. Despite the tremendous development of medical science and other branches of knowledge people are getting various types of new diseases. So the demand for nurses is increasing day by day. When a country is at war hundreds of civilians and army men are wounded every day. All these people need doctors as well as nurses. Their services are therefore very important and useful and for proper service of the patients, nurses should have proper training. A trained nurse can easily have a job in hospitals and clinics. So we can serve humanity by taking nursing as a job.

Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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