Paragraph On Leisure

Paragraph On Leisure is the moment when a person is completely free from his work. In leisure, a person is not only free from work but also from wor

 Leisure Paragraph

Paragraph On  Leisure

Leisure is the moment when a person is completely free from his work. In leisure, a person is not only free from work but also from worries and tensions. In other words, it is a time when a person is his own master and the mind is relaxed and the body is at rest. To make our life happy and peaceful, the necessity of a little rest from work and worry is indisputable. We are always running towards our goal. Being burdened with work and duties, we sometimes look for leisure. It helps us break away from a routine lite hence giving us new inspiration to work again. The world is getting busier day by day leaving us with little time to enjoy leisure. Yet the mind needs recreation in order to get rid of the tiredness and fatigue after overwork. Leisure is more important in the modern world where people are always under mental stress and tension. It is very important for forming their health of body and mind. Enjoying some free time is no indolence but a change to a more congenial occupation. People spend their leisure in different ways. Some read novels or listen to music and even go to the cinema. Some would like to watch television or engage in gossiping with friends. Some are fond of roaming about. Some even pass the time sleeping. Leisure can be best employed in developing the inner life of man. So we should try to find leisure and enjoy it to make life happy and peaceful. 

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