Paragraph On Mass Education

Mass education means to educate the illiterate mass. This programme aims at giving knowledge of letters to illiterate people. Its main purpose is to

Mass Education
 Literacy Campaign
Paragraph On Mass Education

Mass education means to educate the illiterate mass. This programme aims at giving knowledge of letters to illiterate people. Its main purpose is to make them aware and responsible citizens capable of reading, writing, and doing necessary calculations which are very much needed in practical life. Illiterate people do not know what is right and what is wrong and are not conscious of their rights and duties. So, to make responsible citizens mass education is necessary. Without mass education, we are unable to control the population explosion. In order to develop our country in all respects, mass education is a must. To remove this illiteracy steps should be taken by the government. Opening night schools in every village should be made compulsory. The poor people should be supplied with all the items which are necessary for learning. All of us have to come forward and work unitedly in collaboration with the government to educate our illiterate people. 

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