Paragraph On Mobile Phone

mobile phone is one of the latest editions of modern telecommunication technology. It is handy and portable as the term ‘mobile’ is a sma

Mobile Phone Paragraph

Paragraph On Mobile Phone

The mobile phone is one of the amazing inventions of modern science. It is one kind of portable telephone set. It works without any wire. In fact, it functions with the help of the chips installed inside and connects to the mobile network outside. With a mobile phone one can talk anywhere in the world within the shortest possible time. Not only that, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, solve the work of calculation, and be aware of different kinds of news and views through it. All classes of people use mobile phones. Nowadays, everything is being done online, and by using a mobile phone, one can effortlessly do almost everything with a single touch. Online banking, access to modern services and apps, improved networking capabilities, and online shopping are major tasks that can be performed using mobile phones. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phones can cause cancer to users. Besides, it has become a fashion among young people. Last but not least, terrorists are using it to spread terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, it can be concluded here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages, cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life.


শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Amazing (adj) – আশ্চর্যজনক;
  • Invention (n) – আবিষ্কার;
  • Portable (adj) – বহনীয়, হালকা;
  • Wire (n) – তার;
  • Function (v) – কাজ করা;
  • Install (v) – স্থাপন করা;
  • Message (n) – বার্তা;
  • Distant (adj) – দুরবর্তী;
  • Aware (adj) – সতর্ক, সচেতন, সজাগ;
  • Nowadays (adv) – বর্তমানে, আজকাল, এখন;
  • Effortlessly (adv) – অনায়াসে;
  • Access (n) – প্রবেশ, অভিগমন;
  • Service (n) – সেবা;
  • Improved (adj) – উন্নত;
  • Capability (n) - ক্ষমতা, সামর্থ্য;
  • Perform (v) - সম্পন্ন করা, সম্পাদন করা;
  • Advantage (n) - সুবিধা, উপকারিতা;
  • Drawback (n) - অসুবিধা, অপূর্ণতা;
  • On disguise - (ph) – ছদ্মবেশে;
  • Recently (adv) – সম্প্রতি;
  • Terrorist (n) – সন্ত্রাসী;
  • Spread out (v) – ছড়িয়ে পড়ে বা পড়া;
  • Terrorism (n) – সন্ত্রাসবাদ;
  • In spite of (ph) – সত্ত্বেও;
  • Exchange (v) – বিনিময় করা;
  • Practical (adj) – ব্যবহারিক;
  • Deny (v) - অস্বীকার করা, অগ্রাহ্য করা;

Another One

The mobile phone is one of the latest editions of modern telecommunication technology. It is handy and portable as the term ‘mobile’ is a small telephone that can be carried in a hand or pocket. The effective speaking range of man is only a few years. But with the help of the mobile phone, he has increased the range to thousands of miles. The mobile phone was invented by Martin Cooper in 1978. It is just a tiny device but powerful enough to exchange sound, text, pictures, animation, video, and even live television. It is now used all over the world as an essential part of life. It is also regarded as a small computer for internet and multimedia services being available into it. The short message service (SMS) in mobile phones is extremely popular and useful too. In Bangladesh, just after being introduced in 1992, it has rapidly spread out across the country. A mobile phone is very useful to important persons such as politicians, artists, doctors, businessmen, and high officials. But like all other gifts of science, it is not an unmixed blessing. The mobile phone is a useful instrument and it can be used by both good and bad people. The police can use it to maintain law and order and detect criminals, and the criminals can make use of it in committing crimes. The mobile phone is, however, an inseparable annexation to the modern lifestyle. 

Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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