Paragraph On Juvenile Delinquency

The youths who have not crossed eighteen years are called Juveniles and their law-breaking anti-social activities are considered to be delinquency. It

 Juvenile Delinquency

Paragraph On  Juvenile Delinquency

The youths who have not crossed eighteen years are called Juveniles and their law-breaking anti-social activities are considered to be delinquency. It has become a great concern for the nation. It is an outcome of rapid urbanization and industrialization in modern times. In an industrialized society, parents remain busy outside their families. So they cannot nurse and guide their children properly. Slowly and gradually children become involved in various activities which may prove dangerous to themselves and to society. Moreover, our educational institutions and other social organizations have become interested in material development instead of developing children’s mental and moral horizons. Our society itself becomes derailed and corrupt. As a result, our children have become delinquent being influenced by our surrounding environment. Since the juvenile is not grown up enough, their activities should be considered with sympathy and consideration. Instead of punishing them, we should provide them proper counseling so that they have the opportunity to be rectified themselves. If they are involved in serious crime, they may be kept in an asylum or a protected institution where they may be trained and taught moral values and life skills. We should find out the reasons for their being delinquent and treat them accordingly. The government and different social organizations should come forward in this regard.    

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