Paragraph On Higher Education in Bangladesh

Higher Education in Bangladesh The education that one receives from the university after passing the HSC or equivalent is called higher education.


Higher Education in Bangladesh Paragraph 

Paragraph On Higher Education in Bangladesh

The education that one receives from the university after passing the HSC or equivalent is called higher education. Every student wants to go for getting higher education in a university after he has completed his education in school and college. It is higher education that makes a man professionally competent. His range of knowledge becomes extremely well with the magnificent touch of learned people in the university. Bangladesh, being a developing country, is engulfed with many problems in its higher education system. Since seats in the universities are limited, all the students do not have the chance to set themselves admitted into universities for higher education. Our universities and colleges have also many problems. Due to financial and resource constraints, our universities cannot ensure quality education. There are harmful political activities in our educational institutions. The students are involved in politics sometimes there are political classes and violence between different rival groups. As a result, the universities are closed sine-die for an unscheduled period of time. Due to this closure, academic activities are hampered seriously. There is a session jam in our colleges and universities. Our government and all the political parties and the educated people should consider the problems and limitations of our higher education to find out a solution to improve the condition.

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