Paragraph On How to Improve English

How to Improve English learner can improve his knowledge of English in five ways. At first, he must read English widely. From his reading, he will le


Paragraph On How to Improve English

Paragraph On How to Improve English

A learner can improve his knowledge of English in five ways. At first, he must read English widely. From his reading, he will learn many things in English unconsciously. Then, he will try to understand the meanings of the new words from the context. If he fails, he will look them up in the dictionary. This will assist him to increase his vocabulary. Next, he must be interested in English grammar. He will also know how to make sentences in English. He should keep a diary and write a few pages every day. As a result, his writing skill will develop. Thereafter he must practice English. He should speak in English with his friends. He may make mistakes. But he will certainly learn English through mistakes. Then, he should speak in English aloud to himself in order to improve his speaking skill in English. After that, he should read all sorts of English books, newspapers, and magazines. And finally, he must listen to English on BBC, CNN, etc. programmes, and other English news channels. He can learn a lot from these sources. And thus a learner can improve his English knowledge.  

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