Paragraph On Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh)

Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh) was one of the greatest Muslim scholars and philosophers. His real name was No Man. He is mostly known as Imam-E-Azam. He


Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh) Paragraph

Paragraph On Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh)

Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh) was one of the greatest Muslim scholars and philosophers. His real name was No Man. He is mostly known as Imam-E-Azam. He was born in the city of Kufah in Iraq in 80 Hizri (in 99/700 AD). His father’s name was Sabit. In his early life, he was exceptionally meritorious. At first, he became a follower of Hazrat Anas Ibn Malek (Rh) and memorized the Holy Quran completely. In 100 Hizri, he was admitted into the academy of Hammad Ibn Solayman (Rh). Later on, he studied Ilm Fikah. He also studied the Ilm Hadis, Kalam, Balagat, Nahu, Saraf, and Ilm Tafsir deeply. After the death of his teacher Iman Hammad (Rh), in 120 Hizri, Abu Hanifa was replaced for that post and devoted himself to teaching. After that, by working hard for long thirty years, Abu Hanifa established Hanafi Mazhab with the help of another forty genius Alems. The Masaalas of Hanafi Mazhab depends on not only the Quran and the Sunnah but also logic. In his personal life, Abu Hanifa possessed a moral character. He was self-reliant and kind. He never showed temper with any person. In 150 Hizri (in 770 A.D), when Abu Hanifa was a prisoner, the autocratic ruler Mansur killed him with poison. The contribution of Imam Abu Hanifa (Rh) in the field of Islamic law is undeniable. 

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