Paragraph On Emancipation of Women

Emancipation means freedom from legal, political, or social restrictions. Emancipation of women means to ensure women's freedom from political or

 Paragraph On Emancipation of Women 


Paragraph On  Emancipation of Women

Emancipation means freedom from legal, political, or social restrictions. Emancipation of women means to ensure women's freedom from political or social restrictions. In our existing socioeconomic and political setup, women are considered the weaker sex and subservient to men. So they are politically exploited, socially oppressed, legally ignored, and technologically deprived. Still, most of the women are to remain confined within the four walls of their families. Their main function is limited to their household activities like giving birth to children, rearing them, cooking food, sweeping the house and cleaning the clothes, etc. They are not allowed to go out of their house without the permission of their male counterpart or without being escorted by any male members of their family. But we should bear in mind that women constitute almost half of our total population. So, no development of a country is possible keeping half of its population inactive. They should be made active by making them free from legal, social, political, and economic restrictions. The development of a child depends on the role of its mother. In the same way, the development of a nation depends on the development of its womenfolk. To develop the condition of women we need them to be emancipated from the bondage of any restrictions. They should be properly educated so that they could become conscious of their rights and responsibilities. After being educated they could be empowered. The government should take proper steps to change the position of women. Women should rise against the existing restrictions imposed against them. Above all the male men should change their outlook towards womenfolk.

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