Paragraph On Freedom of Press

Paragraph On Freedom of Press In a democratic society, the press is identified as newspapers wielding immense power. Its influence over state affairs

Paragraph On  Freedom of Press


Paragraph On Freedom of Press

In a democratic society, the press is identified as newspapers wielding immense power. Its influence over state affairs is so great that it is sometimes called the fourth state. An independent well-informed press is a powerful check on arbitrary governments and irresponsible administrators. For Newspapers are agents of publicity that bring to the notice of the people's acts of injustice or oppression or Malad ministration that would otherwise have remained hidden away from police notice. Newspapers and journals make a very good contribution to the nation and the land so that they may function quite effectively and efficiently. So our press deserves the freedom to highlight facts and events impartially. A democratic country cannot be seen without ensuring freedom of the press. As we see society through the eyes of journalists, we are baffled to see how the inner happenings of society are brought to light for necessary measures. Nowadays it is difficult for the press to be free. It is either controlled by some financial magnates or a political party. As a result, the press has to work as the mouthpiece of the party or the concerned financial magnates. But the freedom of the press is a demand of the time for ensuring accountability and transparency in the activities of the government and government organizations. The legislation should guarantee the press against deference of the government. Independent-minded editors should have the right to a free expression of opinions and unhampered publication of news. The editors should give priority to the public interest and constructive development of mass opinions of national interest.

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