Paragraph On Fundamentalism and Terrorism

Fundamentalism and Terrorism means the practice of following the basic rules and techniques of any religion strictly, while terrorism means the use of

 Paragraph On Fundamentalism and Terrorism


Paragraph On Fundamentalism and Terrorism

Fundamentalism and Terrorism: Fundamentalism means the practice of following the basic rules and techniques of any religion strictly, while terrorism means the use of violent action in order to achieve a political target. These terms are different in meaning literally but actually, they come side by side in our political or religious arenas. Now a day’s many religions or social fundamental groups have arisen in the form of terrorists. In Christian thought, fundamentalism is the belief that everything in the Bible is true and should form the basis of religious thought and practice. But at present, the term is used in a broader sense meaning the strict following of the basic teaching of any religion. The religious fundamentalists believe that only their religion and beliefs are true and all should follow them strictly. They can’t want to tolerate any other beliefs or principles. So they try to compel people of other opinions or doctrines to follow their dictates. To make them believe their dictates they do not hesitate to fight or kill their opponents. As a result, communal conflicts arose among various fundamentalist groups. The fundamentalists do not see anything good in other religions. Thus the object of religion to establish peace and harmony across the world is jeopardized by the terrorist activities of different religions f fundamentalist groups. 

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