Paragraph On Good Governance

Paragraph On Good Governance is a burning question nowadays. It is the demand of the age. It is essential for the all-out development of a country.

 Paragraph On Good Governance


Paragraph On Good Governance

Good governance means good rule. It is a prerequisite for all kinds of developments in our country. A country cannot reach its cherished goals, achieve its success, and solve its multi-furious problems for want of good governance. It is a must for any nation country. It helps the full flourishment of a country. It helps a country to go forward with its development programmes. It contributes most to the all-round development of a country. Good governance depends on some factors. The factors are enlightened people, the practice of the true ideal of democracy, transparency, accountability, a good electoral system, honesty, etc. First of all the people who will be at the helm of power must be enlightened. They must be free from any kind of evil. They must be true democrats. They will cultivate the true ideal of democracy. They must keep in mind that they are working for the welfare of the country and the countrymen. The state administration system should be transparent so that even an ignorant rural man or woman can know the ins and outs of the administration. Good governance cannot be thought of without accountability. The enlightened people who will be entrusted with the onerous duty of running the administration of the country must be responsible for accounting to the people for their activities. In this way, many factors shape and design to form good governance for the welfare of a country and its countrymen.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Good governance - সুশাসন;
  • Pre-requisite (n) - পূর্বশর্ত;
  • Development (n) - উন্নয়ন;
  • Reach (v) - পৌঁছান;
  • Cherished goals – কাঙ্খিত লক্ষ্য;
  • Achieve (v) – অর্জন করা;
  • Multi-furious problems - বিভিন্ন ধরনের সমস্যা;
  • Full flourishment - পূর্ণ বিকাশ;
  • To go forward with - এগিয়ে যাওয়া;
  • Contribute (v) - অবদান রাখা;
  • All round development - সব ধরনের উন্নয়ন;
  • Depend on - নির্ভর করা;
  • Enlightened people - আলোকিত মানুষ;
  • True ideal of democracy – গণতন্ত্রের সত্যিকারের আদর্শ;
  • Transparency (n) - স্বচ্ছতা;
  • Accountability (n) - দায়বদ্ধতা;
  • Good electoral system - ভালো নির্বাচন ব্যবস্থা;
  • At the helm of power - ক্ষমতা কেন্দ্রে;
  • Cultivate - চর্চা করা;
  • Ideal of democracy - গণতন্ত্রের আদর্শ;
  • Keep in mind – মনে রাখা;
  • Welfare (adj.) – কল্যাণ;
  • State administration system - রাষ্ট্রীয় প্রশাসন ব্যবস্থা;
  • Ignorant (adj.) - অজ্ঞ;
  • Ins and outs (ph.) - সবকিছু;
  • Onerous (adj.) – ক্লেশকর, কষ্টদায়ক, পীড়াকর, কষ্টসাধ্য;
  • In this way (ph.) - এভাবে;


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Good governance is a burning question nowadays. It is the demand of the age. It is essential for the all-out development of a country. Without good governance, no country can run well and smoothly. Good governance and development are inseparable. Where there is good governance, there is development. If the government can ensure good governance in the country, the country cannot lag behind. Where there is good governance, there is no nepotism, favoritism, anarchy, or partiality. In our country, the main demand of civil society is good governance. It is the key to progress. If it is ensured in all sectors – education, administration, health, etc. the country will go ahead by leaps and bounds. It is essential and helpful in 3rd world countries like Bangladesh. Bangladesh is replete with natural resources. There is also big manpower. With the proper utilization of these assets, good governance can bring the country to the highest peak of development.

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