Paragraph On Grameen Bank

Grameen Bank is an unconventional banking system introduced by the noble laureate professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus based on mutual trust accountability,

 Grameen Bank

Paragraph On Grameen Bank

Grameen Bank is a bank which gives loans to the poor village people. The purpose of this bank is to remove the poverty of the rural poor people since most of the people of this country are poor. Professor Yunus is an economist. The poor condition of most of the people of this country hurts him. So he tries to find out the way of removing poverty. He introduces a micro-credit system among a limited number of poor people and he becomes successful in his plan. Then he set up a bank and today that very bank is known as Grameen Bank. His programmes succeed and thousands of people have been able to see better days in their life. However, the Grameen Bank provides credit to the poor, particularly to the poor rural women. The bank has raised consciousness among the poor changed their poor economic condition, developed their skills, and created employment opportunities. The bank has a positive effect on socio-economic variables, including children's schooling, children's nutrition, and family planning.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Purpose (n) – উদ্দেশ্য;
  • Remove (v) – দূর করা;
  • Poverty (n) – দারিদ্র্য;
  • Rural poor – দরিদ্রলোক;
  • Economist (n) - অর্থনীতিবিদ;
  • Poor condition - গরীব অবস্থা;
  • Hurt (v) – ব্যথা দেয়া;
  • Way of removing poverty - দারিদ্র দূর করার উপায়;
  • Micro credit system - ক্ষুদ্র ঋণ ব্যবস্থা;
  • Limited number of poor people - স্বল্প সংখ্যক দরিদ্র লোক;
  • Succeed (v) - সফল হওয়া;
  • Better days (n) - সুদিন;
  • Provide (v) - প্রদান করা;
  • Particularly (adv.) - বিশেষ করে;
  • Economic condition- অর্থনৈতিক অবস্থা;
  • Employment opportunities - কর্মসংস্থানের সুযোগ;
  • Socio- economic variables - আর্থ-সামাজিক পরিবর্তন;
  • Nutrition (n) - পুষ্টি;
  • Family planning - পরিবার পরিকল্পনা।

Another One

Grameen Bank is an unconventional banking system introduced by the noble laureate professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus based on mutual trust accountability, participation, and creativity. The need for collateral is discouraged here. It is now playing a very significant role mainly in our rural agro-based economy by giving loans to the poor villagers, the landless, and helpless people to change their economic condition. In our existing traditional banking system the banks give loans to the people who have collateral security. So the landless poor people cannot avail themselves of the opportunity of taking a loan from any commercial bank. Before the establishment of Grameen Bank, no bank for the poor did not have any collateral security. Grameen Bank is the only bank that introduced loans/credit without any collateral security. As a result, the poor can take loans from Grameen Bank and invest them in financial or productive activities and earn their livelihood. The village poor women are the main beneficiaries of Grameen Bank. The project first started to work in the village of Jobra in 1983 with an amount of TK 2000 as capital. Now Grameen Bank has branches all over the country. The bank also gives training to the poor village women on skill development. The concept of Grameen Bank has got international recognition. Many countries including the USA have already introduced the micro-credit concept modeled by Professor Yunus. However, Grameen Bank is committed to eradicating poverty from the county by changing the economic condition of the poor villagers. 

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