Paragraph On Green House Effect

greenhouse effect is a dangerous reactive type of effect that influences our nature violently. The greenhouse effect causes a natural imbalance. It is

 Green House Effect Paragraph

Paragraph On Green House Effect

The greenhouse effect is a threat to the existing human beings, animals, plants, and above all, all the phenomena of the world. It is associated with global warming. The temperature of the world is increasing gradually. Carbon dioxide is the main culprit which is being deposited gradually in the atmosphere. It is generally produced when the fossil fuel is burnt. Carbon dioxide traps the heat in the atmosphere. As a result, the temperature of the world is on the increase. CFC contributes devastatingly to the greenhouse effect. The refrigerator which is used in our daily life is also producing CFC. CFC is also used in manufacturing goods, packaging commercial products, in aerosol, etc. This CFC is responsible to a great extent for the greenhouse effect. The adverse effect of the greenhouse is very disastrous. It is feared that by the mid-century the world temperature will increase 4 degree Celsius. The polar ice caps have started to melt. The sea level is rising.

Consequently the lower regions of the world will go under water, and the southern regions of Bangladesh will also go under water. This catastrophic disaster must be checked. It is to be done to save our existence.


শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Effect (n) - প্রতিক্রিয়া;
  • Associate (v) - সহযোগিতা করা;
  • Global (a) - বৈশ্বিক;
  • Temperature (n) - তাপমাত্রা;
  • Culprit (n) – দোষী, অপরাধী;
  • Deposit (v) - জমা হওয়া;
  • Entrap (v) - আটকানো, ফাঁদে ফেলা;
  • Devastatingly (adv.) – ধ্বংসাত্মকভাবে;
  • Adverse (adj.) - বিরুপ;
  • Disastrous (adj.) - ধ্বংসাত্মক;
  • Melt (v) - গলানো;
  • Existence (n) – অস্তিত্ব;


Another One

The greenhouse effect is a dangerous reactive type of effect that influences our nature violently. The greenhouse effect causes a natural imbalance. It is dangerous for living creatures on Earth. The concept of the greenhouse effect evolved from the greenhouse which actually means a glasshouse built to protect trees from cold air. As these greenhouses are made of glass, they trap the sunlight and do not let it escape. This trapped sunlight keeps the house's interior hot for the trees to prepare food. In the atmosphere, a similar thing takes place where carbon-di-oxide and carbon monoxide, which are known as greenhouse gases, cause the greenhouse effect. There are many causes of greenhouse effects. The deforestation and burning down of tropical forests, the rapid growth of unplanned industries, overpopulation, various kinds of pollution, increasing temperature, etc. are the causative factors of the greenhouse effect. In recent years, it has been noticed that world temperatures are increasing day by day. This increase in global warming is caused by an increased amount of carbon-di-oxide gas around the earth. To prevent the dangerous effects of a greenhouse, necessary steps should be taken immediately. People should not be allowed to cut off trees, because trees play an important role in fighting against the greenhouse effect. So, people should be advised to plant more trees. Mills and factories should be set up in a much-planned way. Unless the causes of the greenhouse effect are controlled, many creatures on Earth will be on the verge of extinction. So measures should be taken to control the greenhouse effect. 

Source: English Book (Paragraph Writing Part)

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