Paragraph On Happiness

Paragraph On Happiness is a feeling of pleasure. It is an abstract thing. In fact, the idea of happiness differs from man to man. It is a mental

Paragraph On Happiness

Paragraph On Happiness

Paragraph On Happiness: Happiness is a feeling of pleasure. It is an abstract thing. In fact, the idea of happiness differs from man to man. It is a mental state. Although everybody wants to be happy in life, human life consists of happiness and sorrow. They come into one’s life by turn. None can live in the perfect domain of happiness. One must experience the bitterness of life. Happiness depends on health, wealth, and many other factors. Happiness cannot be bought with money though somebody thinks that if one possesses money, he is happy. Actually, it is a wrong idea. To a rich man, more money is happiness, to a poor man who cannot earn his meal, the supply of his meal is happiness, to a very hungry man, a good dish is happiness, to a sick man, to come round is happiness. As it cannot be bought we have to bear in mind that true happiness consists of contentment. Most of the people in our society are not content with their own position. The more they get, the more they want. So they cannot think of themselves as happy. We often find a rich man leads an unhappy life. On the other hand, many poor people are living happily. In short, the person who has peace of mind and is satisfied with what he has is a happy man. Therefore we can say that happiness can be achieved by self-contentment. 

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