Paragraph On Honesty

Paragraph On Honesty means the quality of speaking the truth. It is a great virtue. It is the road to peace and happiness. All people do not possess

 Paragraph On Honesty

Paragraph On Honesty

Paragraph On Honesty: Honesty means the quality of speaking the truth. It is a great virtue. It is the road to peace and happiness. All people do not possess this virtue. The man who possesses this quality is the luckiest person in the world. To be honest, one should have trustworthiness. Because nobody trusts a liar. Everybody hates a liar. On the other hand, an honest man is respected by all and hated by none. Even a dishonest man cannot but respect him. An honest man enjoys peace of mind. Though he suffers at times, he succeeds in the long run and becomes happy on the contrary. A dishonest man may succeed for the time being. But his falsehood is found out and he is punished. He can never win the respect of the people around him. He always suffers from worries and anxieties. However, honesty can never be bought. It is a rare quality that is inherent in men. But it may be acquired by practice. To acquire honesty, a man must walk through the path of truth. Some people think that wealth cannot be acquired in honest ways. Actually, it is wrong. Honesty does not stand in the way of acquiring wealth. If a man is hard-working and sincere, he will progress in life. Besides, Allah also helps hard-working and honest people. So children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life. Without honesty, peace and happiness in life are impossible. In fact, honesty is the best policy. 

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