The Dog (কুকুর)
The dog is a domestic animal. There are wild dogs too. The dog is found all over the world. It has four legs, two eyes, and a tail. It has sharp teeth and nails. Its body is covered with soft fur. It is fond of fish and meat. It is a very intelligent animal. It can be trained to do many kinds of work. It is very faithful to its master.
Word Vault: Domestic: গৃহপালিত। Wild: বন্য। Found: পাওয়া।
Tail: লেজ। Sharp: তীক্ষ্ণ। Teeth: দাঁত।
Nails: নখ। Covered: আবৃত। Fur: পশম।
Fond: আসক্ত / শৌখিন। Fish: মাছ। Meat: মাংস।
Intelligent: বুদ্ধিমান। Trained: প্রশিক্ষিত। Faithful: বিশ্বস্ত।
Master: প্রভু / মনিব