Paragraph On Equal Rights of Women

Equal Rights of Women constitute almost half of our total population. So the development of a country equally depends on the development of its women

 Equal Rights of Women

Paragraph On Equal Rights of Women

Women constitute almost half of our total population. So the development of a country equally depends on the development of its womenfolk. Our constitution ensures equal rights for women. There is no disparity between men and women. Women have the right to set up all types of jobs like men. In Islam, women are given due respect. But in reality, women are not given due rights and respect. They are considered weaker, subservient to their male counterpart. So they are confined to the four walls of their house doing the household activities like cooking, washing, giving birth to, and rearing children. They don’t have the right to go outside without permission or without being escorted by their male counterparts. In fact, they are neglected in every sphere of life in our society. But we should bear in mind that no development is possible without the participation of women. An educated mother will create an educated nation. Every woman is essentially a mother. So, development depends on the development of our women. To change the position of women our attitude and outlook towards women should be changed. Our women, themselves should be conscious regarding their fights and status. They should revolt against the existing social customs. However, it is a positive sign that women are now becoming educated in large numbers and they are in the revolutionary process of coming out of their confinements. In recent years, the female movement has got a strong momentum and a revival has been started. They are now joining a wide range of professions and contributing to the advancement of society. 

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