Write a Sickness Certificate by a Doctor to His Patient


Write a sickness certificate by a doctor to his patient.


Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka


Dr Habib                                                                                           Chamber:

MBBS (Dhaka), MCPS (Medicine)                                               House No. 35/2A

DTCD (Du), First Class First                                                          First Floor

Consultant Physician & Specialist in Medicine                             Kachua; Chandpur

Cardiology & Chest Diseases                                Phone: 0012345685, 01695588002


Medical Certificate


It is certified that Mohammad Habib Aaryan, Age: 27 years, Sex: Male, being one of my patients with serious chest disease had been under my treatment and observation from August 03 to August 13, 2018, in our medical hospital. He had been in a cabin for ten days. He is now well and sound. He is released on 13 August 2018.


Date:………………….                                                                                         Dr. Habib

 (Dr. Habib)

Consultant Physician & Specialist in Medicine

Cardiology & Chest Diseases

M Medical College & Hospital, Chandpur

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