My Aim in Life Short Essay


My Aim in Life

Every man has an aim in life. A man without an aim is like a boat without a rudder. A fixed aim helps a man to shine in life. An aimless person achieves anything.

Different men have different aims. Some want to be scholars, some want to be poets and another man may like to earn fame. There are many professions. So to take a correct choice is difficult.

I am a man. I have an aim of my own. The people of my village are poor. They suffer from many diseases. They do not get the help and advice of good doctors. So I like to help them. I am now in class VIII. I hope to take up Science group when I shall be in class IX. After passing the S.S.C Examination. I shall read H.S.C Pre-medical course. From my childhood I intended to be a doctor. I shall get myself admitted into the Medical Collage for the M.B.B.S. I shall go to my village and take to medical profession. In this profession I can have an independent life. Here I shall be able to earn money. I shall be able to real service to the poor villagers. The rich will feed me and the poor will bless me. I shall set up a charitable dispensary for the treatment of all kinds of patient.

Success in life depends largely upon the right choice of a profession. So we should choose it wisely. At the time of choice, we should think about our liking and ability. A man who has self-confidence and a definite aim in life can surely succeed.

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