Short Essay On Jute

 Jute Essay

Jute is a kind of fibre of jute plant. It is golden in colour. It brings lots of money. So it is called the golden fibre of Bangladesh. Jute is the main exportable item of Bangladesh.

Jute grows well in low lands. It grows in Bangladesh. India, China and Thailand. But the best jute grows in Bangladesh.

The cultivators plough the land from March to April. Then the seeds are sown. In a few days, its plants come out. When they grow up the fields are weeded. They grow from ten to fifteen feet long. After three or four months the plants are cut down and put underwater. After some days they are rotten. Next, the fibre is taken off. Washed in water and dried in the sum. Then it is ready for sale in the market.

Jute is a very useful thing. Ropes, gunny bags, carpets, paper, clothes etc. are made of it. Its stalks are used as good fuel.

Narayangonj is the main jute business centre in Bangladesh. Bangladesh exports jute to foreign countries and earns lots of foreign exchange.

Green jute plant is being used to produce pulp and paper in our country. Exporting jute fibre and using green jute Bangladesh is expected to bring financial development soon.

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