Paragraph On Load Shedding

Load shedding is a common affair in our day-to-day life. It means the discontinuation of the supply of electrical energy. The inadequate generation of

Load Shedding 
Load Shedding Paragraph 

Paragraph On Load Shedding

The people living in the areas supplied with electricity are quite familiar with the term load-shedding. There is hardly any area which is not affected by load-shedding. Load-shedding means the discontinuation of the supply of electricity. Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand and also for unplanned distribution of electricity. It creates problems of far-reaching consequences in the socio-economic development of a country, Houses, mills, factories, industries, shops, and hospitals all fall victim to it. The running mills, factories, and industries come to a standstill. Failure of electricity hampers productivity. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in the darkness in the kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patients also suffer terribly from load-shedding. Operations are stopped. The food kept in the refrigerators gets rotten. The commodities preserved in cold storage get spoiled. In fact, load-shedding causes great suffering to the people and an irreparable loss to the country. The entire life-domestic and industrial- comes to a standstill. An all-out effort should be made to stop load-shedding.

শব্দের অর্থ:

  • Supplied with (adjective)- সরবরাহকৃত;
  • Electricity (noun) -  বিদ্যুৎ;
  • Load-shedding – বিদ্যুৎ ব্রিভ্রাট;
  • Hardly (adjective) — কদাচিৎ;
  • Affect (verb) - প্রভাবিত হওয়া;
  • Supply of electricity - বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহ;
  • Occur (verb) – ঘটায়:
  • Generation of power - বিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদন;
  • Demand (noun) - চাহিদা;
  • Unplanned distribution অপরিকল্পিত সরবরাহ;  
  • Socio-economic development - আর্থ-সামাজিক অবস্থা;
  • Fall a victim - স্বীকার হওয়া;
  • Standstill (adjective) - স্থবির;
  • Hamper (verb) – বাধাগ্রস্থ করে;
  • Productivity (verb) - উৎপাদন ক্ষমতা;
  • Domestic life - গৃহস্থালী জীবন,
  • Painful (adjective) – বেদনাদায়ক
  • Housewives (verb) - গৃহিণী;
  • Grope (verb) -হাতড়ানো;
  • Due to load shedding - বিদ্যুৎ ব্রিভাটের কারণে;
  • Beggar description (phrase) - বর্ণনাতীত হওয়া;
  • Patient (noun) - রুগী;
  • Terribly (adverb) - ভয়ংকরভাবে;
  • Get rotten – পঁচে যাওয়া;
  • Commodities (noun) মালামাল;
  • Preserve (verb) – সংরক্ষণ করা;
  • Spoil (verb) – নষ্ট হওয়া;
  • In fact (phrase) - মূলত;
  • Irreparable loss - অপূরণীয় ক্ষতি;
  • Entire life - সমগ্র জীবন;
  • Industrial (adjective) - শিল্প;
  • All-out effort - সব ধরনের প্রচেষ্টা


Another One


Load shedding is a typical affair in our day-to-day life. It means the discontinuation of the supply of electrical energy. The inadequate generation of power and its random distribution are primarily responsible for load-shedding. Load shedding is a great curse where people have gotten used to an electricity-oriented life. Because of load-shedding, the big cities and industrial areas suffer the most. All of a sudden streets are covered with darkness with a few lights of cars and buses flashing here and there. Kerosene lamps, petromax, and candle sticks only half-light big shops and marketplaces. Thieves and pick-pockets freely prowl on the streets. The running productive machines come to a standstill in mills and factories. The suffering of the students due to the load-shedding beggar's description. The curse of load-shedding does not spare even the hospital. The plight of a patient undergoing an emergency operation when the lights suddenly go off can better be imagined than described. The research materials and medicines kept under controlled temperatures and in refrigerators are refrigerators for deferred consumption that become rotten and unfit for use. In fact, words are inadequate to give proper vent to the discomfort and harm caused in our lives by this unscrupulous practice of load-shedding. If we can get relief from load shedding, our country will prosper rapidly.


Another One


Write in about 100-125 words a paragraph about ‘Load Shedding.’ You have to use the following questions in writing this paragraph.

  1. What does load shedding mean?
  2. Which area is affected by it?
  3. When does load shedding occur?
  4. How do the students suffer?
  5. What problem does load shedding cause?
  6. What should we do to stop load shedding?


The people living in the areas supplied with electricity are quite familiar with the term load-shedding. There is hardly any area that is not affected by load-shedding. Load-shedding means the discontinuation of the supply of electricity. Load-shedding occurs when the generation of power is less than the demand and also for the unplanned distribution of electricity. It creates problems of far-reaching consequences in the socio-economic development of a country. Houses, mills, factories, industries, shops, and hospitals all fall victim to it. The running mills, factories, and industries come to a standstill. Failure of electricity hampers productivity. Domestic life becomes painful. The housewives grope in the darkness in the kitchen. The sufferings of the students due to load-shedding beggar description. The patients also suffer terribly from load-shedding. Operations are stopped. The food kept in the refrigerators gets rotten. The commodities preserved in cold storage get spoiled. In fact, load-shedding causes great suffering to the people and an irreparable loss to the country. The entire life-domestic and industrial comes to a standstill. An all-out effort should be made to stop load-shedding.

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