Short Composition A school Magazine

 A school Magazine

A school magazine is generally an annual publication. The contents are written and edited by the students and the teachers. A school magazine is the maker of writers and poets.

The school magazine is a publication for students. By the students, and of the students. The teachers mainly guide and assist the students to bring out the magazine. The contents of the magazine include poems, short stories, features, article jokes, etc. Further, the achievements of students in different fields are also highlighted. The magazines also include a report by the Headmaster on the overall achievements of the school. The magazine is illustrated. The picture of the members of the student union is given. There is a list of teaching staff and the results of the examination are also published. The magazine gives a picture of a year of school.

In most cases, the student’s union of the school specifically publishes the magazine.  The teacher guide and assist the students. The magazine is also edited by the students. The fund for the magazines is contributed by the students and by the school fund.

The magazine introduces the students to how to bring out a publication. Publication of school magazines is the ABC of journalism. Many students in later life become writers and journalists. The school magazines help them to be trained. It helps to increase knowledge. A young student learns how to write for the readers. It helps new writers to develop their power of thinking. It sharpens the power of reasoning. A school magazine creates, writers, poets, and dramatists.

A school magazine reveals creates a sense of responsibility. The students should be encouraged to bring out such magazines.

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