Short Composition A Journey by Bus

 A Journey By Bus

Journey by bus has become popular nowadays. New roads and highways have connected cities, towns, and villages. As a result, more people travel by bus than before. Above all, the buses are comfortable too.

Last March, I had an opportunity to go to Chandpur by bus. I was in connection with a marriage ceremony. We were 30 including males, females, and children in a bridal party. We started our journey from Dhaka to Chandpur in the morning. It was a nice journey by bus equipped with a TV. VCR, Radio, etc. we all enjoyed songs and TV – VCR shows. I also enjoyed the view of the landscape, rivers, houses, men and so many things on our way. We reached our destination at about 3.00 pm.

I never had any idea about Chandpur city. I had the opportunity to see Chandpur city. We had snacks and tea at a Chandpur restaurant. I never saw a modern bus before I took the journey. Lastly, I have fallen in love with Chandpur. It is a nice city. The roads are wide and spacious. No traffic jam was visible anywhere. Journey by bus has its monotony. But scientific development has made the journey very comfortable. It was unthinkable a decade.

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