The seasons of Bangladesh

 Short Composition The seasons of Bangladesh

There are six seasons in Bangladesh. These seasons have made Bangladesh a colourful country in the world. Each season has its own beauty.

The six seasons are the summer, the rainy, the early autumn, the late autumn, the winter, and the spring. Two months make a season. Summer comprises Baishak and Jaistha. There is unbearable heat in this season. It is also the season of Kal Baisakhi a terrible storm. After it comes the rainy season comprising the month of Ashwar and Sraban fields in the low-lying area go underwater in this season. In this season dew drops begin to fall. Bhadra and Aswin comprise early Autumn. Katrik and Agrohyon are late Autumn season. Then follows winter. The months are called Poush and Magh. The spring season has two months Falgon and Chaitra. Spring is called the queen of all seasons. This season of Cuckoo is the songbird of Bangladesh.

All season have their merits and demerits. Too much heat is unwanted. Again too much rain causes a flood. Autumn is the season of fullness but of no activity. Spring is a season of beauty. It is a dry season.

The seasons of Bangladesh have made the country beautiful. In this season rural Bangladesh enjoys many different festivities of traditional nature.

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