Write a dialogue about getting test status of Bangladesh in cricket.

 Write a dialogue between you and Samira about getting the test status of Bangladesh in cricket.

Myself:  What is being done by you? Samira?

Samira: I am reading about Bangladesh’s getting status in cricket. Don’t you know that Bangladesh got test status as the 10th test playing nation on 26 June 2000?

Myself: Is it right?

Samira: Yes, it is right. You know that the Bangladesh cricket team defeated Pakistan in World Cup Cricket in 1999. It was a great achievement for Bangladesh. This achievement played an important role in getting test status for Bangladesh.

Myself: I see; do you think that the Bangladesh cricket team will do better at the test match?

Samira: By the grace of Almighty Allah, our team will do better in test matches and one day our team will win the World Cup.

Myself: But you know that our bowling side is very weak. How can they win?

Samira: It is true. But our players are trying their best to improve the bowling side. One day our bowling side will be strong.

Myself: I hope so. I wish that our team will create a sensation.

Samira: Yes, I have an urgent piece of business. See you again.

Myself: Ok, Thanks.

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