Short Composition Discipline



To obey rules and regulations is discipline. It means obedience to a set of rules for an orderly life.



There is a discipline in nature. The earth moves around the sun. night follows day and day follows night. The universe follows the rules of discipline. Deviation from the rule will bring disaster.



Discipline is indispensable in our life. It brings prosperity in life. In society and the country. It is essential in schools, colleges, factories, and in offices. It is indispensable in every walk of our life.



We learn discipline. It is not an inherent quality. We learn it in the family, in education at institutes, and in society. In the family, we obey our parents. We also abide by the rules. We obey family discipline. Thus we learn to behave in an orderly manner. Orderly manner pleases our friends, superiors, and our relatives. We must learn it and obey discipline.



Discipline never goes against individual liberty. Discipline means doing things in an orderly manner, and liberty is not doing things at will. Discipline always helps to proceed further in life. It protects us from chaos. We must observe discipline in every walk of our life. The celebrated persons of the world became famous by cultivating discipline.

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