Short Essay Dignity of Labour

 Dignity of Labour Short Essay

Labour has dignity. It does not lower prestige. A laborious man is a healthy man. He becomes successful in life. A lazy man cannot be a successful man. We have hands to work with. We should make use of them.

There are two kinds of labour; physical and mental. Physical labour and mental labour are closely connected. Both are useful. When we do manual work that is physical labour. With mental labour, we do mental work. Mental labour is thinking about something. In physical labour, we use our physical strength.

In our daily affairs of life, physical labour plays a very important role. The work of a housewife, a farmer, a weaver and others is very important. It is worshipping all the religions of the world that directs their followers to be industrious. Therefore, physical labour is sacred.

Labour brings prosperity. It also brings good health. It brings dignity. It makes self-reliant. It never lowers man. Man is born to work. All achievement has labour behind it. It never lowers the dignity of a man. It rather enhances human dignity.

To be successful in life one has to work. To earn an honest living, we must work. One who does not work depends on others for a living. A man of prestige cannot shun labour and live on others kindness.

We should honour the men who do manual labour. It keeps him physically fit and free from diseases. So manual labour is very important.

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