Write a Notice About Going to Celebrate Silver Jubliee

Suppose, your madrasah is going to celebrate its Silver jubilee on its completion of 25 years on 20 March 2022. You are the secretary of the Silver jubilee celebration committee. You are asked by the college authority to write a notice in the dailies to inform the old students of this Madrasah.


Silver Jubilee Celebrating Committee

X Madrasah


No. M/12/21                                        Date: 12/12/2021

We are delighted to inform all the old and current students of ‘X’ Madrasah that we are going to celebrate the Silver Jubilee on 10 January 2012. The day-long programme will take place at the Madrasah premise with due festivity and mirth. The programme will be inaugurated by the Honourable Minister for Sports and Youth "Mr A" Who is also an ex-students of this Madrasah. The deadline for registration is 30 December. The registration fee per person is TK. 1000/= All old and current students of the Madrasah are requested to contact the undersigned to register for the event.




Golden Jubilee Celebrating Committee

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