Essay On E-commerce

Essay On E-commerce present age of science and technology. The practice, description, and terminology of any or all applied sciences of commercial

 E-commerce Essay

Introduction: The present age of science and technology. The practice, description, and terminology of any or all applied sciences of commercial value by dint of science are E-commerce.

Essay On E-commerce, E-commerce, eCommerce

Contribution of science: Science has created one wonder after another day by day in the world. The computer is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. By opening the computer, logging onto the internet clicking a few times and within a few moments we may take the world in our hands and can go to the new world of eCommerce. The interest has brought about a revolutionary change leading to the convergence of communicative and computing technologies.

What E-commerce is: E-commerce may be defined as a dynamic set of technologies, applications, and business processes linked to enterprises, consumers, and communities through electronic transactions and the electronic exchange of goods, services, and information. E-commerce is not limited to shopping on the Internet. It encompasses all the aspects of running a business, from advertising and marketing to sales, ordering, manufacturing, distributing customer service, and inventory procurement.

Its impact: E-commerce can have a very profound impact on corporate strategy because it not only changes the way a company interacts with its customers but also changes its suppliers, partners, employees, or investors. In fact, electronic media have brought about a revolution in the field of business and commerce. A few years back it was beyond our imagination. Electronic media have changed the expectation of all concerned persons in the field of commerce. Day by day E-commerce is becoming popular all over the world.

 A virtual explosion: In recent years there has been a virtual explosion in the realm of global information and marketing, as amplified most vividly by the onset of the internet, electronic communication, and the world wide web. Between 1990 and 2012 the estimated number of internet users grew from around 1 million to 400 million.  This explosion has had a major impact on commercial activities, as firms realize the potential of the Internet to reach a consumer audience beyond the reach of traditional marketing means. Its global demographics and its ability to facilitate the global sharing of information, resources, goods, and services make it an attractive medium for consumers, businesses, and governments.

Importance: E-commerce is very important in the age of science, technology, and the internet. E-commerce has given the facility of making online transactions. Producers and customers are not required to talk face to face and customers are not required to go to shops for buying products or having services. They may get their required products or services staying in their houses. It presents a lot of advantages and challenges for all parties involved. For consumers, the benefits of Ecommerce are multifold including increased availability of information about products. E-commerce also includes the enormous, potential of the web as a distributing channel, a global medium for marketing communications, and lower distribution costs, as the use of middlemen, no longer becomes essential. Lower marketing costs as buyers and sellers are able to communicate in a direct way with each other. Operational benefits such as reduced errors, time, and overhead costs in informational processing and easier, faster, and cheaper creation of an entry into new markets. E-commerce is important for many reasons because it provides the country’s products and investment potentially on the world screen; a support of a new form of commerce that benefits all classes of society.

Conclusion: E-commerce means electronic commerce. The world has dynamic technologies for international trade and commerce. Man can start manifold trades staying at home by dint of it.

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