Essay On Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh

Essay On Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh of women is an important aspect of the concept of both global and national development. Women’s contributi

 Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh

Introductions: Empowerment of women is an important aspect of the concept of both global and national development. Women’s contributions are indispensable for socio-economic development. So their participation is to be ensured in development work. In fact, the empowerment of women includes feminine rights and state recognition of women by making them self-reliant and decision-makers in all-inclusive aspects.

Essay On Empowerment of Women, Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh, Empowerment of Women, Essay

World background: Time is a ceaseless traveler and with the ongoing movement of time women folk can be turned into an asset by ensuring their active involvement. The need for women's development and their participation in production-oriented projects are recognized in all countries. So the matter is not a national issue only. Instead, the global concept is to be considered. The UN is actively working for women's development as well as empowerment. World Women’s Day was declared in 1975 and a women's decade was observed between 1975 – 1985. The objective of women's decade is women's development, and establishment of rights in the family, society, and work fields. The first World Women Conference was held in Mexico in 1975.

Bangladesh background: Need for women's development and empowerment in Bangladesh has long been felt. To face gender discrimination, indifference to women’s fundamental rights, and constitutional equity with males Bangladesh government formed Women Rehabilitation Board. In 1978, Women Affairs Ministry was formed to monitor the government's steps relating to the empowerment of women.

Status and empowerment of women in administration and politics: At present about 10,000 women are employed in administration and management jobs. A few women are in secretarial posts now. In Bangladesh 25 million women are labour force, 79% are in the agro-based sector, 9.9% in the manufacturing and transportation sector, 2.2% in the marketing sector, and 0.6% in clerical posts. In banking 01 general manager, in the police department 05 women supers, and 01 Brigadier woman in AMC. Out of the total of 85,000 women 1% in ministries, 16% in autonomous bodies, and 82.5% in official jobs are employed. A very small number of women are in politics and parliament.

Process of women empowerment and practical scenery:  The first and foremost factor for women's development is education. Education is necessary for awakening consciousness in women. Women are under the jaws of household maintenance, child-rearing, and childbirth but they hardly get recognition of their rights. Women participate in manual labour in the garment industries like their male counterparts and, moreover, they work for 21 hours a day which is more than the males.

Role of NGO in women empowerment: There is a progressive action programme for the empowerment of women in the NGO sector. ADAB a top-level NGO organization has five women on the executive committee. Many voluntary organizations are working for driving consciousness, generating income sources, and investment-orienting schemes so that women strive for self-employment.

Obstacles to women's empowerment: There are a lot of hindrances to women's empowerment and women's development. Women are compelled to work at a low wage in agriculture or other non-recognized sectors.  Thinking and planning for women's empowerment is not less both at government and non-government levels but the materialization of thinking and planning is still in question.

Steps for the empowerment of women: Preconditions for the empowerment of women are (i) to change their status and financial condition; (ii) to make them participate in decision-making and controlling affairs.

According to the constitutions of Bangladesh: Any disparity between women is strictly prohibited due to religion, creed, place, and birth. For women's development and empowerment, our government has founded Women Rehabilitation Board, Rehabilitation and Welfare Foundation, National Women Organization, Women Affairs Directorate, and Independent Women and Children Affairs Ministry.

Conclusion:  There is no alternative to making women economically, socially, and politically self-reliant and empowered. Empowerment of women is a matter where women will compete with men for equal rights to build up a reformed world of safety and prosperity. Discrimination between males and females will be resolved and the coming generation will come across a new greener world.    

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