Essay On Climate Change

Essay On Climate Change is now widely recognized as the major environmental problem facing the globe. It has now become a major concern for people

Essay On Climate Change

Introduction: Climate change is now widely recognized as the major environmental problem facing the globe. It has now become a major concern for people throughout the world. The use of fossil fuels to meet the energy of the world contributes to an increase in greenhouse gases mainly carbon-di-oxide and methane in the earth’s atmosphere. Climatologists opine that this increase is leading to climate change with adverse effects on the environment.

Climate Change, Essay, Composition

Causes of climate change: Studies of long-time climate change have discovered a connection between the concentration of carbon-di-oxide in the atmosphere and global temperature. Carbon-di-oxide is one of the most important gases responsible for the greenhouse effect. Over the past three centuries, the concentration of carbon-di-oxide has been increasing in the atmosphere of the earth because of human influence. Human activities like burning fossil fuels, conversion of natural prairie to farmland, and deforestation have caused the release of carbon-di-oxide into the atmosphere. Besides, some other factors are primarily responsible for climate change on the earth like as: variations in the earth's orbital characteristics, volcanic eruptions, and variations in solar output.

Impact: Although industrial countries are responsible for the accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions, the effects of global warming are most severe in the poorest countries. It is said that the poorest who are not responsible for carbon emissions into the atmosphere, will be the worst hit by the devastation of climate change.

Scientists have identified some threats that people throughout the world will have to face. The threats are Rapid change in global warming, rising sea levels, increasing ocean acidification, increased insects and diseases, and failing agricultural output, agriculture, and livelihoods are already being affected.

Threats to Bangladesh: Bangladesh being a developing country become one of the hardest hits of climate change. She is under constant threat of climate change. According to the observation of the IPCC, the average temperature of Bangladesh has increased from 0.2 to 1 degree Celsius every year. The probable threats that Bangladesh may face due to climate change are: an increase in Natural disasters, the rise of sea level and coastal areas and low lands will go under water, desertification of dry areas, agricultural production will be decreased, and fishery and forests will be destroyed.

Measures to be taken: Climate change has attracted a lot of attention in recent years as The UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki-Moon in his stressed the need for international efforts to fight, mitigate and adapt to the problem of global warming in his speech at the MDG meeting. To mitigate the threats of climate change some immediate steps should be taken, reduce greenhouse gas and create solutions to protect the environment, reduce emissions of carbon-di-oxide and improve efficiency, protect the tropical forest, stop the use of fire woods and bio-fuels, expand the programs of planting trees, especially in the coastal areas, increase public awareness about protecting the environment.

Conclusion: Climate change impacts everyone regardless of national borders. It does not bother whether it is a developing country or not. The leaders of the world should agree on a road map to tackle the issue of overcoming all the differences among them.

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