Essay On Higher Education in Bangladesh

Essay On Higher Education in Bangladesh is the only thing that makes a man complete and social. A man without education is compared with the beast.

 Higher Education in Bangladesh

Introduction: Education is the only thing that makes a man complete and social. A man without education is compared with the beast. Education makes a man gentle, conscious, and honest in every sphere of life. Higher education means acquiring higher degrees from the university arena. University education broadens the knowledge faculty of a man.

Higher Education in Bangladesh

Education system in Bangladesh: After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, there have been so many education systems in the country. But it is important to set up a proper education system by which a student can become a complete man with body, mind, and soul together Education must have a positive impact on a person so that a man can achieve his goal in life. A man with higher education is able to take the right decision in his life. The form of the higher education system must be productive in Bangladesh.

Importance of higher education: The importance of higher education goes beyond saying. When a student goes to the wide field of a University, he explores a different world. His range of knowledge becomes extremely well with the magnificent touch of the learned people. Higher education brings so many positive guerrillas in a man it makes a man sagacious. A man acquires decision-making capability only by getting higher education. A highly educated man becomes confident that turns him to be a leader in taking decisions in any part of his life. He is honoured and respected in every sphere of his life.

Higher education in Bangladesh: Though Bangladesh is a developing country, it is trying to develop its education. In present days, after school and college education, students are getting encouraged to go for getting higher education degrees. Since higher education makes a man professionally competent, students are running to acquire it. They achieve the quality to play a role even in state matters. National duties and responsibilities mostly require a highly educated person. A highly educated person generally becomes optimistic about all his surroundings. He always thinks of development. So, the importance of higher education is immense so far.

Higher Madrasah Education in Bangladesh: Madrasah education from ibtedae to Alim classes is controlled by Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board. But unfortunately, only one Board has to maintain all Madrasah across the country. It’s undoubtedly a gigantic task. In the field of higher education Fazil and Kamil, only one public university, Kushtia Islamic University have to deal with all respective tasks. It’s also a tremendous duty. To enhance the standard quality and more practical and effective, this may be divided divisionally. The govt. has to take responsibility for the task sincerely and develop madrasah education which can make madrasah students fitter to contribute to the nation.

Problems of higher education in Bangladesh: Bangladesh is engulfed with different problems. Especially there is a good number of problems in its education system. Educational institutes must be free from all kinds of harmful political activities. Education must not be hampered by the presence of corruption and terrorism. In the environment of higher education in all institutes should be free from the harmful impact of political activities which may destroy the prospect of a student. The Govt. should come forward to make the higher education environment free from all sorts of hazardous activities.

Conclusion: It goes beyond saying that higher education in Bangladesh is trying to develop. Students are trying to acquire higher education in Bangladesh more and more for the development of themselves and of the nation. So, it is the responsibility of the govt. to put importance on higher education and patronize those needy ones who face problems to acquire higher education.

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